Kamis, 27 November 2014

Love & Kisses: (Sexy!) Gluten-Free Love Foods

Roses- iPad painting by Karina

Valentine's Day is upon us. A dicey day for those of us who need to live gluten-free. In spite of our pragmatism and gritty resolve to stay healthy, we crave our romance, too. We celebrate love- in all its multitudinous incarnations, right?. We champion Love (sexy) over Fear (not sexy).

Now more than ever.

So don't worry, Darling. I've got your back.

Cooking is not only about nutrition, health and nourishment, it's a sensual experience- if done with gentle attention, generous attitude and love. Is there a cook among us who doesn't understand the seductive power of a meal stirred with lust- I mean- affection? It’s no accident that our Bubbes and grandmothers instructed us with the well-buttered axiom, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Olfactory studies reveal that men prefer culinary over floral fragrances. I kid you not.

The two sexiest scents according to men submitting to a blind sniff-off?

Pumpkin pie and vanilla.

Your granny was right. So with the delicate art of seduction in mind, I thought I'd share a short list of goddess approved Love Foods to inspire us all. Because it's all about love, Babycakes.

And if- by fate or choice- you happen to be sans a honey this particular V-day season, consider treating yourself to a gorgeous meal.

True love begins at home, I always say.

Chocolate is forever a Valentine's Day favorite.

Love + Kisses: (Sexy!) Gluten-Free Love Foods

Here's a little inside info every cooking goddess 

should keep handy (gluten-free or not).

Garlic: So many fiery properties are associated with garlic. Luckily, lust is one of them. I can attest that eating copious amounts of garlic in Italy- on my honeymoon- convinced me that garlic should forever be a staple in my kitchen. Note: For those of you allergic to garlic, you might look into elephant garlic; not a true garlic, it's actually in the onion and leek family.

Chile Peppers: Hot and spicy- what's not to love about chile peppers? Folk lore links peppers and chiles with the fire element to enhance feelings of love and desire. Serve with margaritas and ignite a little passion. Add it to hot chocolate and stir up some trouble. And by the way, if you need to break a hex by any chance, chile pepper is your fruit of choice.

Asparagus: I’m not sure how asparagus got its reputation as an aphrodisiac without getting all Freudian here, Darling, but I do know that when prepared briefly roasted or just barely braised in a drizzle of balsamic vinegar until they turn bright green and tender-crisp, they unabashedly evoke thoughts of spring.

And after several weeks of winter, green sure sounds sexy to me[2].

Pasta: When I asked Steve what his favorite Love Food was (strictly for research purposes, I assure you), he said instantly, Pasta. Come to think of it, I always did have good luck serving linguine. And fortunate for us gluten-free goddesses, creamy Tinkyada white rice pasta is molto delicious.

Tomatoes: Long associated with the Goddesses Venus and Aphrodite, juicy red tomatoes are indeed a perfect love food, are they not? Paired with other sensual and lusty flavors such as garlic, basil, mint and olive oil, tomatoes can create a desire for passion and a deeper appreciation for the sensual side of life. My recommendation? Eat tomatoes daily. The smaller grape and organic vine tomatoes are usually best this iffy time of year. Yellow tomatoes are less acidic. Organic canned tomatoes are a pantry must-have.

Capers: A distinctive salty accent to many Italian and Mediterranean dishes, folk lore has it capers bring luck, lust and potency. Well, then. What are you waiting for? Toss in some capers.

Chocolate: Even though men apparently find vanilla and pumpkin pie sexy as all get out, chocolate is the one with the major reputation. I'm not going to argue. Chocolate does it for me. Though I confess I always add a hefty dose of bourbon vanilla to my chocolate recipes. Just because.

And the most important ingredient? 

You guessed it. 


More sexy food from food bloggers:


  1. ^ Pecan Crackers (glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com)
  2. ^ green sure sounds sexy to me (glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com)

Source : http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com

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