Sabtu, 01 November 2014

Gluten-Free Goddess eBook

My blog anniversary is just around the corner. Yep. Number six. And I am trying to wrap my little gluten-free brain around it. Six years. Six. That is a long time in blog years. (Maybe blog years are kinda like dog years? Every twelve months of blogging seems equal to seven human years. What I think I'm trying to say is that GFG feels... more grown up somehow. She's no longer a lurching toddler- or as Johnny Depp likes to phrase it, tiny drunk). The bumble-puppy years are over.

We're respectable now. (But hopefully not too serious.)

I  began blogging and sharing my recipes in late fall of 2005. There are over 400 original gluten-free recipes now on Gluten-Free Goddess[1]. This astonishes me!

Looking over my recipe index this past summer I began to imagine the beginnings of a cookbook- a collection of recipe favorites from Gluten-Free Goddess. (In full transparency there have been cookbook offers, and some tempting projects pitched to me this year. But none seemed like the perfect fit. In fact, most felt like a tight shoe that pinched and chafed and left me preferring to go barefoot, taking my own meandering solo path, focusing on blogging, my first love.)

But then you know what happened. I got an iPad. And soon discovered the convenience and pleasure of bringing my entire blog into the kitchen with me. And that led to ebooks...

So I began working on creating an ebook cookbook- a complement to the dynamic blog format. And what I found was a program at Blurb that allowed me to create a bright and beautiful presentation of my work- in ebook form. With Apple's clean design, and that cool page-turning experience.

To celebrate six years blogging gluten-free I have selected forty-five of my best-loved favorites- the GFG recipes my family turns to, week after week.

And many- if not all forty-five recipes- happen to be reader favorites as well.

best-loved recipes

ebook | 114 pages | $4.99

Note: This new ebook is in Apple epub format- with all its full color, page turning goodness. Compatible with iPads, iPhones, iPods. 


  1. ^ Gluten-Free Goddess (

Source :

Dont Forget to Watch CookAway Juice Cleanse Recipe Orange Carrot Mango

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